Home Garden

How to Landscape with Grass & Flat Rocks

Grass is one of the most common features of a yard and complements the landscape with the green, lush appearance. Adding flat stone to the landscape offers the yard a contrast in color and material for enhanced curb appeal, but also creates retaining walls, stepping stones or borders around walkways and planters. The two materials offer a natural look to any landscape or home style. If you want a low-maintenance yard, one option to consider is adding fountain or ornamental varieties for a casual look.

Things You'll Need

  • Sod
  • Fountain grass
  • Stones
  • Ground cover
  • Shrubs
  • Flowers
  • Mulch
  • Wood chips
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      Lay sod around the yard to contrast with stone materials. Choose a variety of sod that works with your location and soil condition to determine which grows best. Consider maintenance and watering needs prior to planning a grassy landscape, since you can choose a smaller lawn paired with more shrubs and flowers, or simply plant with grass varieties such as red or purple fountain grass, reed grass, pampas grass or fescue grass if you want a lower-maintenance option.

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      Set flat stones leading from the driveway or sidewalk up to the front door. Stepping stones come in a variety of colors to complement the exterior of the home, including gray, brown or red. Add lawn seeds around the stepping stones for a finished look, or plant a ground cover, such as thyme or mint, within a sectioned off walkway, for a garden feel.

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      Stack flat stones around the foundation of the home in your desired height to create planting beds and provide depth within the landscape. Place the stones in a straight or scalloped design, fill the beds with soil and then plant shrubs, ornamental grass or flowers that complement the home's exterior colors.

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      Lay stones flat along flower beds in a single row to serve as a border in the landscape. Within the bed, spread wood chips or mulch to add a third contrasting material to the landscape design.