Home Garden

Software for Landscape Design

Landscape design software gives homeowners and professionals the ability to visualize ideas. Programs on the market range from the complex, to help professionals create job estimates, to more simple programs for home gardeners.
  1. Benefits

    • Some homeowners or designers may have an idea of how they want to design a landscape, and design programs can help generate more ideas. Some programs have multiple templates that include designs for pools, ponds, decks, patios, ramps and fences. Some programs can produce shopping lists and cost estimates to help plan your project's budget.

    Design Features

    • Tools in many programs include 2D and 3D design, photo importing, 3D object importing, 3D object editing, aerial fly around views, free-form tools and printing. Design files can be imported from other types formats such as GIF, PSD, PNG and PDF files. Programs are available for Windows and Mac computers.

    Support and Documentation

    • Learning how to use the many tools in a landscape design program is easier if the program has integrated and comprehensive support. Many programs provide paper and online manuals, and video tutorials. If the manufacturer has a community forum for users, that can be accessed as resource for advice and problem solving.