Home Garden

How to Care for a Baby Monkey Puzzle Tree

Monkey Puzzle trees, or Araucaria araucana, are evergreens that will grow to reaches heights of about 100 to 120 feet. The trees grow wild on the slopes of the Andes mountains in Argentina and Chile but thrive in numerous regions because they can adapt to varying climates. Growing a baby Monkey Puzzle tree in your backyard involves picking an ideal specimen and providing it with proper water and sun.

Things You'll Need

  • Shovel
  • Compost or mulch
  • Water
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    • 1

      Choose a young, healthy Monkey Puzzle tree approximately five feet tall from a local home-improvement store or nursery. Check that the tree is free from insects and has healthy branches and needles.

    • 2

      Pick a spot in your yard at least 30 feet from any other trees, your home or garage. Monkey Puzzle trees get big, so they should be planted in an area free from obstructions and with access to minimal or no shade. Also consider an area that is covered with well-drained soil with a sandy or clay base. A mixture of sandy and clay, or loamy, soil is also acceptable.

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      Dig a hole with your shovel approximately five feet deep and twice the circumference of the baby Monkey Puzzle tree's root bulb.

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      Refill the hole with a mixture of half the original soil you removed and compost or mulch.

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      Give the baby Monkey Puzzle tree a healthy dose of water. The tree does not require fertilizer.

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      Water the tree on a regular schedule for the first year's growth cycle. This involves watering the tree once a week to maintain a one inch-deep layer of moist ground around the tree. Once the first year of growth is completed, water the tree less frequently, or about two weeks during the cooler months.