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Systemic Tree Care

When issues arise with the health of tree in the landscape, arborists and landscape professionals turn to a systemic approach for insect and disease control and for fertilization.
  1. Controlling Disease

    • Numerous fungal and bacterial diseases cause a tree to rapidly deteriorate, as in the case of blights or anthracnose. In some cases, treatment may not be effective or applied in time. Systemic care is the best chance of saving a diseased tree. Apply systemic pesticides by spraying or injection.

    Controlling Insects

    • Insect attacks are best controlled systemically. The appearance of the Emerald Ash Borer in 12 states led to multiple systemic insecticidal treatments. Some were successful and saved ash trees in these areas.

    Fertilization for Tree Health

    • Systemic fertilization injections benefit declining trees. More than one treatment may be needed. Consider the declining tree's value and replacement cost. Systemic tree care may be worth the cost of hiring a professional or doing it yourself.