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How to Take Care of a Golden Barberry Plant

Golden barberry, a bright yellow-leafed member of the Japanese barberry family, is also known by the scientific name Berberis thunbergii 'Aurea'. Planted in full sun, the foliage has a golden glow. In the fall, golden barberry leaves turn orange, adding rich color to the fall autumn landscape. Although this type of barberry is pretty, the branches bear spiny thorns, so the plants are best planted away from play areas and high-traffic locations. Golden barberry plants grown in a row make an attractive, low privacy hedge.

Things You'll Need

  • Compost
  • Long-handled pruners
  • Heavy-duty garden gloves
  • Garden rake
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      Water newly planted and young golden barberry plants frequently during the first two years to keep the soil moist and allow the roots to become firmly established. From the third year on, water when the top inch of soil at the plant's base becomes dry to the touch.

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      Protect golden barberry plants from snails and slugs, especially young plants with delicate leaves. Sprinkle slug bait in a circle on the ground 6 inches from the shrub's trunk. Replenish slug bait after heavy rainfall or watering.

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      Prune golden barberry lightly in late spring with long-handled pruners to avoid scratches from the plant's thorns. Wear heavy garden gloves. Golden barberry may be allowed to grow into its natural upright mound shape, or sheared into box shapes to create a hedge, according to Michigan State University Extension.

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      Spread a 1/2-inch layer of compost around the base of barberry shrubs each spring. Add a 1-inch layer of mulch around the plants in the spring and again in late summer to retain moisture and reduce weed growth.

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      Rake small twigs and leaves in the autumn after the leaves have dropped. Wear heavy gloves to protect from the thorns and discard of the debris in the trash.