Home Garden

How to Landscape With Boxwoods

Boxwood hedges are structured, lush plants that look elegant in the landscape of any style of home. Boxwoods have a variety of uses, from acting as a barrier between property lines to lining a walkway. If you want a border plant in the landscape, boxwoods are an ideal choice and are easy to maintain. The varieties of boxwoods to choose from allow this shrub to grow in many hardiness zones to complement any home's landscape design.


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      Disguise the foundation of the home and add greenery to the exterior to enhance curb appeal by planting hedges along the base of the house. Keep the boxwood trimmed below any ground-level windows, or choose a dwarf variety such as true dwarf or Korean boxwood.

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      Increase privacy around your home with tall American boxwood. Plant the hedge around property lines to act as a wall of greenery, while also providing a screen from the surrounding neighbors. American boxwood grows to a height of 15 feet, but it can be trimmed down to a desirable height of your choice.

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      Plant any variety of boxwood along walkways or driveways to act as a border, and then plant flowers of your choice in front of the hedge to add color and depth to the landscape. Wintergreen and true dwarf varieties are small enough to complement the landscape without overpowering it. Contrast the structure of hedges with flowers such as lavender, iris or bellflower.

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      Surround a garden area with boxwood hedges to create the feel of an English garden. The structured hedges act as a barrier between the garden and other parts of the landscape, and they can be trimmed to appear rounded or square to add textural interest to the yard.