Home Garden

How to Take Bushes Out

If you have a bush that has outgrown its space or has died, you may need to remove it. The keys to taking bushes out are to be patient, start at the top and work inward. A large bush may take a lot of time and work to get ready to dig out and require more than one person to remove it safely. The end result will be a clean garden space that you can use as you wish.

Things You'll Need

  • Protective clothing
  • Gloves
  • Sturdy shoes
  • Loppers
  • Hand or power saw
  • Sharp, strong spade
  • Mattock (optional)
  • Tarp (optional)
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      Remove all branches up to 1 inch in diameter with loppers. Use a hand or power saw to remove all larger limbs. Remove all debris from around the skeleton of the bush.

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      Dig a trench around the bush with a spade, cutting through the roots as you go. Remove the soil. Shove the spade up under the root ball all around the bush and try to lift it out of the ground. A spade should be sufficient to remove smaller bushes.

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      Use a mattock for help removing larger bushes. Use the ax end to chop any large roots and the wedge end to go under the root ball and lift the bush up. Alternate chopping and lifting until you can safely remove the shrub from the hole.

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      Place large shrubs on a tarp to drag them to the curb or disposal site. Remove any remaining roots from the hole and refill it. Tamp the soil down well several times to make sure the hole is solidly filled and will not collapse.