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Different Types of Border Plants and Flowers

A landscape border can be a fence, stone rockery or a lawn that butts up to a pathway or even a jumble of native plants and wildflowers. One of the most pleasing and easiest to plant and care for border design is one that is made up of a combination of flowering annuals or perennials and evergreen or deciduous shrubs, arranged from tall in back to shorter in front.
  1. Evergreen Shrubs and Small Trees

    • In the absence of a fence or wall, evergreen shrubs create the structure, or backbone of the landscape border. Examples of good backdrop shrubs or small trees are: laurel, aucuba, juniper, spruce, winterberry, yew, pine, arborvitae, japonica, rhododendron and camellia. Dwarf varieties or those that can be pruned should be chosen when possible.

    Deciduous Shrubs and Small Trees

    • Hydrangea.

      Deciduous shrubs and small trees add a lushness in spring and summer, color in fall and an interesting shape and texture in winter garden borders. Some good choices are: burning bush, spirea, dogwood, lilac, star magnolia, forsythia, witch hazel, hydrangea, ilex, vine maple, service berry, flowering cherry or crab apple.

    Small Evergreen Shrubs

    • For the mid-border, low growing evergreen plants that offer color in the spring and summer and structure and greenery the rest of the year are essential to keep your border looking neat and tidy year-round. Heaths and heathers, Oregon grape, escallonia, euonymus, cotoneaster, viburnum, dwarf cypress, bird's nest spruce, boxwood, dwarf holly, rose, salal, wintergreen, lavender and evergreen azaleas are all attractive choices.


    • Perennials are the symphony of the garden, emerging and blooming at various times during the growing season, and reaching a crescendo during mid-summer. Ferns, dahlias, peonies, primroses, fuschia (hardy varieties), calla lily, euphorbia, daylily, hosta, coral bells, ornamental grasses, daisies, phlox, delphinium, carnation, baby's breath, gloxinia, yucca, saxifrage, poppy, sage, astilbe, columbine and hollyhock are spectacular plants for the border.


    • Petunia in bloom.

      A good place for summer blooming annuals is the front of the border, where it is easier to plant and offers up a showy display that contrasts nicely with the green expanse of a lawn or the neutrality of a concrete or gravel path. Plant marigolds, pansies, begonia, petunia, impatiens, geraniums, calendula, heliotrope, coleus, coreopsis, amaranthus, snap dragon and zinnia for instant color and impact.

    Climate Considerations

    • The plant suggestions stated can be modified for your climate. Consult local gardening sources for plants that grow well in your area.