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How to Place Paving Stones

Laying paving stones on your own can help saves hundreds or thousands of dollars in masonry bills if done properly. Below is a detailed list of instructions on how to lay your own paving stones and give them a professional finish.

Things You'll Need

  • Paving stones
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  1. Placing Paving Stones

    • 1

      Begin by laying the first set of paving stones along the longest edge of your project. If applicable, work at the bottom of the slope and work uphill to prevent the stones from moving during installation.

    • 2

      As you continue the pattern, select stones at random to distribute the natural colors throughout the entire project. Complete one row left to right, and then alternate the next row working from right to left so that the pattern looks natural. Use string lines to keep the rows straight.

    • 3

      When laying the stones, place them carefully into the sand below and never hammer or press them deep into the ground. Stones should be placed directly next to each other as the ribbed edges of the stone will ensure there is proper spacing between them.

    • 4

      Continue adding stones using this technique until you have completed your project.