Home Garden

How to Build Brick Fireplaces

Outdoor fireplaces add a warmth and character to a patio or backyard. You can roast food camper-style or just use it for warmth. An outdoor fireplace is an added attraction for many people seeking to buy homes, too. So adding your own outdoor fireplace could eventually help lead you to a sale one day. Aside from that, you will save a bundle by building this project yourself.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure
  • Spray paint
  • Shovel
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Mortar
  • Trowel
  • 450 bricks
  • Wire rack
  • One bag of standard gravel
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    • 1

      Measure a 3-feet-by-3-feet area and mark it with spray paint. Dig down six inches into this area all around. Check for levelness.

    • 2

      Mix the mortar according to the manufacturer's directions in your wheelbarrow. Get your bricks in place so you can use the mortar immediately.

    • 3

      Lay your first layer of bricks around the perimeter of the area you have unearthed. Spread mortar across the bricks with a trowel and begin your second layer. Stagger the second row of bricks to provide sturdiness to your fireplace as you build up.

    • 4

      Continue stacking rows. Stop approximately three-feet from the hole's base. This provides enough height without making cooking difficult.

    • 5

      Allow the mortar to set 24 hours. Use gravel to fill the bottom of the fireplace. Place a wire rack on top of the fireplace. Use wood to start a fire and test your handiwork.