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How to Build Raised Beds With Stacked Rocks

Raised beds are becoming an increasingly popular way to raise small-scale gardens. They offer a host of benefits to the casual gardener, such as easing back and joint pain, simpler soil management, and a more compact and organized array of fruits and vegetables. Stonework is often considered the most aesthetic way of building a raised bed, and though you'll have to allow a bit more time for such an assembly, the process of building raised beds by stacking stones is actually quite simple.

Things You'll Need

  • Lawn spray paint
  • Steel mallet
  • Wide chisel
  • Cement mix (if desired)
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      Pre-fit your stones by loosely arranging them so that those with closely matching shapes are positioned next to each other. This will save an incredible amount of labor later on.

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      Mark out the area that will comprise the raised bed with lawn spray paint.

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      Use the mallet and chisel to gently flatten the sides of the stones that are to be stacked. Position the chisel at a steep angle against any raised parts and use the mallet to chip these away until the stone is relatively flat.

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      Begin assembling the stones by placing the first layer down around the perimeter of your raised bed. You may want to lay down weed-blocking black plastic before beginning, as the stones will not be impermeable to wandering weeds.

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      Continue chiseling the sides of the stones so that they stack on top of one another with stability. If you desire a more finished exterior, you can apply a layer of thick cement between each level of stones. This will offer the added benefit of making weed growth more difficult.

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      Stack as many layers of chiseled stones as is necessary to attain the ultimate height you desire for your raised beds. Once complete, allow the cement (if used) to dry completely per the manufacturer's instructions before adding soil to the beds for growing.