Home Garden

How to Use a Flat Vibrating Sander on a Wooden Porch Floor

Wooden porches and decks are fairly durable if home owners maintain them properly. However, when not maintained, the wooden porch may splinter and crack. Once this occurs, walking on the porch is painful and the wood deteriorates faster. Restoring the wooden porch to a smooth condition requires renting an electric floor sander machine from a home-improvement store. A vibrating floor sander has a wide, flat base that vibrates rapidly rather than rotating.

Things You'll Need

  • Nail set tool
  • Hammer
  • 20-, 30- or 60-grit sandpaper
  • Safety glasses
  • Dust mask
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      Walk around the porch and look for any nail heads that emerge above the surface of the wood. Hammer them back down flush with the surface. Then countersink all nails further by placing a nail set tool on top of them and hitting the nail set with the hammer. The nails should be at least 1/4-inch below the surface of the wood.

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      Install a 60-grit sanding pad on the flat bottom of the sander using the manufacturer's instructions. If you are removing paint or wood stain, use 20- or 30-grit sandpaper instead.

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      Place the vibrating floor sander at one side of the porch and align it so that it is parallel with the wooden boards. Plug the sander into an electric outlet.

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      Tune on the sander and push it along the length of the porch at a slow, steady pace. When you reach the end of the porch, turn around and walk back in the opposite direction. Continue this process to cover the entire porch.

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      Sweep the porch with a broom to remove all of the sanding dust. Examine the floor to determine if it is smooth and if all stains and paint are gone. If needed, resand the porch using the same method and a fresh sheet of sandpaper.