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How to Clean Indelible Marker Off of Steel

Steel is a nonporous surface that is relatively simple to clean because stains don’t settle into the pores, where they can be tough to remove. Indelible marker, or permanent marker, however, can stain even very nonporous and polished steel surfaces. Remove these stains with solvents that will dissolve the ink. Generally, indelible marker that has been on the steel surface longer will be tougher to remove.

Things You'll Need

  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Cloths
  • Baking soda
  • Water displacement spray
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      Soak a clean cloth in rubbing alcohol.

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      Rub the cloth over the indelible marker stain until it is gone or until it is as light as possible. You may not be able to remove all the stain this way.

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      Add just enough water to 2 tbsp. of baking soda to make a thick paste if the stain is still visible. Baking soda acts as a mild scouring powder that will help grind away the indelible marker stain.

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      Scrub the baking soda paste into the indelible marker stain until it is gone or is as light as possible.

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      Spray water displacement spray directly onto the permanent marker stain, and let it sit for 10 minutes if you can still see the stain.

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      Rinse the area with water, and dry it completely with a clean cloth.