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What to Use to Repair Scuffs on Climbing Boots

It's easy for your hiking boots to get really scuffed and dirty when wearing them out on the trail. While you might not be too concerned about your boots being dirty while hiking, you want to clean them up after your hike. Maintain your hiking boots properly after each hike to help them last longer.
  1. Scuff Removal

    • Remove scuffs on leather by gently rubbing water and baking soda on the spot. When the scuff is gone, remove the baking soda residue with a damp cloth. If your boots are suede, buff the scuff out with an eraser, an emery board or a toothbrush, as it may lose its texture if you clean it with a damp cloth.

    Regular Cleaning

    • To keep your boots in good condition, clean them after each hike you take them on. Use a boot cleaner, or even dish soap and water, to remove the dirt on your leather or rubber boots. Use a vegetable brush or a toothbrush to remove dirt on suede boots, instead of soap and water. Read the manufacturer instructions to see if parts of the boots, such as removable sock liners, are machine washable. Allow boots to dry at room temperature, as placing them next to a heat source can harm the leather and cause shrinkage.

    Extended Use Cleaning

    • Use a conditioner specially formulated for the material of your boots after you have worn them on several hikes. This will help to keep the boots soft. Apply a waterproofing treatment to your boots if you notice that water is no longer beading and falling off of them. Depending on how often you use your boots, you may need to do this several times per year.

    Hiking Boot Care

    • Break hiking boots in before wearing them on a hike. Start out by wearing them around the house and work your way up to short walks around your neighborhood. Remember to always keep the laces tied while wearing them because this helps the boots to keep their shape. Don't store your boots in a cold basement or warm attic. To keep them in the best condition, store them in an area that's kept at room temperature.