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How to Get Rid of Label Adhesive From Clothing

Labels may be adhered to clothes for a number of reasons -- from a name tag at a school function to a price tag at a resale shop. You don't want them to stick around after their job is done, though. When you peel the label off, or if you accidentally throw the item into the wash with the label still attached, you may be left with a sticky residue. If you wait for the residue to come off on its own, it may require many wash cycles, but you can use some common household items to remove it in minutes.

Things You'll Need

  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Paring knife
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    • 1

      Place the item of clothing on a flat surface with a towel or cloth under it. Pour rubbing alcohol directly on the spot where the adhesive is stuck.

    • 2

      Wait two to three minutes, then use a paring knife or butter knife to gently scrape the residue off the clothing. Wipe away the remnants you scraped off, then pour more alcohol on the spot and repeat if the residue didn't completely come off the first time.

    • 3

      Allow the item to dry for about 10 minutes before wearing. Place it in front of a fan for faster drying.