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How to Get Oil & Dirt out of Bedsheets

While there's nothing like the smell of clean linens when you drift off to sleep, it's impossible to keep your sheets clean and fresh forever. Natural body oils, odor and dirt rub onto bedsheets while you sleep. The result is dirt, discoloration and odor on your bedding. Clean bedsheets are important to a sanitary sleep environment. Remove oil and dirt from them with common household supplies and stain-removal techniques.

Things You'll Need

  • Baby powder
  • Prewash stain remover
  • Heavy-duty laundry detergent
  • Oxygen bleach
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      Powder absorbs oil stains on bedsheets.

      Sprinkle baby powder over areas with oil stains. Allow the powder to absorb the oil for 20 minutes.

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      Empty the baby powder into a trash bag or shake the sheets outside to remove it.

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      Rub prewash stain remover into remaining oil and dirt stains. Let the stain remover soak into the bedsheet fabric for a minute or two.

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      Drizzle heavy-duty laundry detergent over the dirt and oil stains, then rub it into the fabric.

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      Wash your bedsheets in the hottest water allowed by the care label. Use laundry detergent and oxygen bleach in the washing machine to remove remaining oil and dirt stains.

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      Check the bedsheets before drying them. If any dirt and oil stains remain, soak the sheets in a solution of 1/2 cup of oxygen bleach in 1 gallon of water for 30 minutes. Launder the sheets again.