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How to Dry Goose Down Comforters

Goose down comforters should be dried carefully to ensure that they are not damaged during the cleaning process. If left unattended, a goose down comforter can be damaged by the heat of a dryer. In addition, because goose comforters often take a long time to dry completely, it is important to check the comforter thoroughly before using it again. A small amount of moisture left in the comforter can lead to mold or mildew.

Things You'll Need

  • Dryer
  • White sock
  • Tennis Ball
  • Clothesline
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      Place the goose down comforter in a large dryer.

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      Set the dryer to the lowest heat setting possible.

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      Stick a tennis ball into a clean white sock and place it in the dryer. This will encourage movement of the comforter inside of the dryer to help it dry more evenly.

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      Open the dryer and fluff up the goose down comforter frequently during the drying process. Remove any lumps that have built up in the comforter while doing so. This will help the comforter dry evenly and also prevent the possibility of the dryer burning the comforter.

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      Leave the comforter in the dryer for three or more hours before removing it. Make sure that the goose down comforter is completely dry before taking it out of the dryer. All down comforters have a unique and pungent odor when wet. Once this odor has dissipated, you will know that the comforter is completely dry.

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      Hang the comforter on a clothesline outside on a windy, sunny day as an alternate way to dry it. Then place the goose down comforter into your dryer, checking and fluffing it frequently, until the comforter has dried completely.