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Alternatives to Washing Machine Detergent

Commercial laundry detergents contain chemicals that are harmful to the environment. The dyes and perfumes used in the detergents can irritate people with sensitive skin. Instead of spending a lot of money on commercial detergents, make your own alternative detergents at home to save money. Natural alternatives clean clothes just as effectively as commercial detergents and they are safer for the environment and your health.
  1. Sodium Carbonate

    • Sodium carbonate, also referred to as washing soda, contains carbonic acid and sodium salt. Sodium carbonate occurs naturally and appears as a white powder. You can find sodium carbonate in the laundry detergent aisle. Replace commercial detergents with 1/3 cup of sodium carbonate before you add the load of clothes to the washing machine. The addition of 1/4 cup of white vinegar helps to soften hard water.

    Sodium Borate

    • Sodium borate, also known as borax, also occurs naturally. The soft crystals dissolve in water quickly, and naturally deodorize and whiten clothes. Combining sodium borate with other ingredients allows you to create a homemade liquid detergent. To make a detergent, add 1/3 bar of grated unscented soap into a saucepan and pour in 6 cups of water. After you combine the water and soap, heat them on the stovetop to melt the soap completely. Add 1/2 cup of washing soda and 1/2 cup of borax until the powders dissolve completely. Combine the solutions with 4 cups of hot water in a bucket, stir the solution and then add 1 gallon and 6 cups of additional water. Once you stir the water into the homemade detergent, let it sit for 24 hours and then add 1/2 cup to every load.

    Unscented Soap

    • Unscented soap bars clean laundry just as effectively as commercial washing machine detergents. Plain soap bars that do not contain fragrances, additives or dyes work best for washing clothes. Add 1 1/2 cups of grated unscented soap to each load to clean soiled clothing. If you need a stronger detergent, add 1/3 cup of sodium carbonate or baking soda to the washing machine to brighten clothes. Instead of grating the soap every time you need to use it, grate two or three bars of it at one time. Store the soap in a cool and dry location so that it does not melt.

    Soap Nuts

    • Soap nuts come from the Chinese Soapberry tree and contain a naturally occurring cleaner known as saponin. Soap nuts are brown in color and look similar to small berries. The soap nuts are just as powerful as laundry detergent and they will save you money. When you use them to launder clothes, you only need to add three of four of them to a cotton bag. The soap nuts can be used more than once. When you use the soap nuts, you must launder clothes in hot water to release the saponin. Soap nuts are hard to find in stores, so you may have to order them online.