Home Garden

How to Deodorize Under a Mobile Home

An unpleasant odor wafting out from under your mobile home can be caused by a number of factors. Moisture that results in mold, a dead animal or garbage create smells due to odor-causing bacteria. While most smells dissipate over time, a heavy odor that's causing your yard or the inside of your mobile home to smell requires a solution. You can get rid of the smell under your mobile home with a few simple techniques and supplies.

Things You'll Need

  • Goggles
  • Face mask
  • Work gloves
  • Flashlight
  • Rake
  • Garbage bag
  • Large spray bottle
  • 1/2-cup bleach
  • Activated charcoal
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    • 1
      Wear goggles to protect yourself from harmful, disease-causing bacteria in mouse droppings.

      Put on goggles, a face mask and work gloves to protect yourself from mold spores or rodent droppings.

    • 2

      Open any skirting or lattice work along the bottom of your mobile home. Direct the light from a flashlight under the mobile home for better visibility.

    • 3

      Remove any dead animal carcasses, leaves, garbage or debris with a rake. Once the items are removed from under your mobile home, seal them up in a trash bag.

    • 4
      Bleach sanitizes surfaces while killing bacteria and mold.

      Fill a large spray bottle with 1/2-cup of bleach and 5 cups of water. Spray the area where a dead animal was removed or rodent droppings were seen.

    • 5

      Leave the bleach spray on the surface for 20 minutes to sanitize the area. Use the rake to remove any further debris.

    • 6

      Allow the area underneath your mobile home to air-dry for three to seven hours with the skirting open.

    • 7

      Sprinkle a layer of activated charcoal underneath your mobile home to absorb any remaining odors. Close the skirting or lattice work.