Home Garden

How to Clear Negative Energy With Sage & Salt

People, places and things give off energy, both positive and negative. Negative energy can cause a sense of stress, anger, depression and sadness. People of all religious backgrounds use a variety of natural items -- such as sage -- to cleanse an area. For centuries, people worldwide have used sage to clear out negative energy and provide a calming effect. People have used salt to protect and purify an area.

Things You'll Need

  • Spray bottle
  • Sea salt
  • Sage bundle
  • Matches
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      Clean and tidy your home, room or other area where you want to clear out negative energy. Clutter can cause stress and depression and can feed negative energy.

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      Fill a spray bottle with cool water and add 1/4 cup of sea salt. Adjust the amount of sea salt if needed. Spray a light mist of saltwater over the front and back doors. Alternatively, add five teaspoons of sea salt to a bucket of water and wash your floors as you normally would.

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      Light the end of a sage bundle and blow out the flame. The smoke is what clears the negative energy. Hold a small dish under the smoldering sage bundle to prevent any ashes from dropping on the floor.

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      Start at your front door and move the smoking sage bundle through the air while working your way clockwise around your home.

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      Open cabinets and closets and move the sage smoke in those areas. Move the smoking sage bundle under beds and furniture, and open the toilet lid and let sage smoke enter the commode.