Home Garden

Bug Repellents for Drawer Liners

With billions of insects on the planet, there's no hope of keeping your home completely bug free. You can, however, keep them out of your drawers by applying bug repellent to your drawer liners. The type of repellent you should use depends on the type of liners you have.
  1. Drawer Liners

    • Made from fabric, paper or plastic, drawer liners are sheets of material that cover the interior surfaces of dresser drawers and line cabinet shelves. Scented paper liners in a clothes dresser perfume clothing while protecting it from snagging on the wooden interiors of drawers. Plastic liners inside kitchen drawers and cabinets are easily wiped clean and replaced if they are stained or damaged, protecting the drawers from the wear of everyday use.

    Bug Repellents

    • Some drawer liners come with bug repellents built into them. Cedar-scented liners will keep moths away. For plastic and fabric liners, create a citrus-based repellent by cutting up four lemons or oranges. Pour boiling water on the chopped-up fruit and let them soak until the water cools. Strain the water into a plastic spray bottle. For paper liners, combine a few sprigs of dried mint and dried lavender with bay leaves and pieces of orange and lemon rind. Place them in cheesecloth pouches.


    • Spray fabric and plastic drawer liners with the solution in the spray bottle. The water is infused with d-limonene, a natural insect repellent. It won't kill them, but it will keep them away. A wet spray can soak and damage paper liners. Instead, press the cheesecloth pouches flat and slide them under the paper liner in a drawer. Lavender, mint, bay leaves and orange rinds are all insect repellents.


    • In a kitchen, keeping drawer liners clean and free of food debris helps prevent insects from taking an interest in the area. The natural repellents lose effectiveness over time. Reapply the citrus spray every two weeks to keep the d-limonene strong. Replace the pouches under paper liners every six months. If you are specifically worried about moths, add a few drops of cedar essential oil to the citrus solution. For the cheesecloth pouches, add cedar shavings to the herbs.