Home Garden

How to Get Rid of Fish Stink in Your Home

Fish is notorious for its smell. While eating fish may leave your heart a bit healthier, it can also leave your home with a wretched stench. If you adopt a few odor-absorbing techniques while you are cooking and afterward, though, you can get rid of the fish stink quickly and with little to no lingering odors.

Things You'll Need

  • Bowl
  • Vinegar
  • Fan
  • DIsh soap
  • Dish rags
  • Paper towels
  • Lemon
  • All-purpose cleaner
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      Fill a bowl with 1/2 cup of vinegar and set it next to your oven or stove to absorb the fish odors as you are cooking. You can place vinegar bowls in other areas of your home where you can also smell the fish.

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      Open a window in the kitchen as well as other windows in the home where the fish stink is noticeable. If the smell has not drifted into other rooms of your home, hurry and close the doors to those rooms.

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      Turn on the kitchen exhaust fan. If you don’t have one, set a fan in a window so it blows outdoors instead of indoors. Ventilation will remove a lot of the fish stink in your home.

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      Clean the dishes while you are cooking fish or soon afterward. Don’t leave the cooking and dinner dishes out for too long, or the smell will worsen and linger for even longer.

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      Clean the counters where any fish scraps or juices may have spilled. Wipe down your counters with a hot, soapy dish rag. Or, spray a kitchen cleaner appropriate for your counters and wipe them down with paper towels.

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      Turn on your kitchen faucet and run the garbage disposal if you washed fish scraps and juices down the drain. Afterward, grind up one-eighth of a lemon in your disposal to help eliminate any remaining odors.

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      Take the trash bag outdoors right after discarding all the fish remains. Then, smell the inside trash can itself. If you smell fish, juices likely dripped into the can. Spray the inside with an all-purpose cleaner and wipe it clean with paper towels before putting in a new trash bag.

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      Mask any remaining fish smell. For example, you can bake an apple pie, simmer a pot filled with water and cinnamon sticks or orange, or light a scented candle.