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Shelving Solutions for Kids' Bedrooms

Parents often struggle to keep their children's bedrooms clean, but with the many toys, books, games and puzzles, it can be a real challenge. Providing adequate storage for your kids' belongings is the best way to ensure that their room stays neat and tidy. Shelves are an ideal option because they provide easy access, but in a child's bedroom, you may find that you need to think creatively to determine the best shelving setup for the space.
  1. Cabinet Style Shelves

    • If your children have a great deal of toys, games and books, their room may take on a cluttered, disorganized look. While open shelving is ideal for displaying mementos and keepsakes, it is usually not the best option for storing children's belongings because toys often have many small pieces and can still look messy out in the open even if it they have their own spot on a shelf. Cabinet shelving is an ideal alternative because the shelves are behind doors, providing hidden storage. You never have to worry about the room looking sloppy because you can close the cabinet doors and hide the toys and books away. Wall-mounted cabinet shelving is available in a variety of designs, but you may also opt for a bureau or freestanding cabinet unit if your children have a larger bedroom.

    Shelves Paired with Baskets

    • While cabinet style shelves may make your children's room look neater, open style shelving is often less expensive and easier to install. Fortunately, there are ways to maintain a neat, orderly appearance even if you opt for open shelves. Pair these shelves with baskets, bins or plastic boxes that can hold small pieces from games and toys for easy organization. You can even stack the containers on top of one another to maximize storage space. Try color coding the baskets and boxes as well, so your children know exactly what types of toys are inside which container. If two or more children share a room, you can assign a color to each child to eliminate arguments over which toys belong to each child.

    Corner Shelves

    • If your home is short on space and your children are stuck in a cramped bedroom, it may be difficult to find adequate storage options. A corner shelving unit is an ideal solution because its triangular shape allows it to fit in any corner of the room, an area that often goes unused because standard rectangular bookcases or shelving units cannot fit. With a corner shelving unit, your children have plenty of room for storing books, toys, games and other items. Paired with a few wall-mounted shelves, it may provide all the storage that your children need.

    Novelty Shelves

    • When decorating a themed bedroom for your children, it can be tricky to find items that sell the design without overdoing it. Novelty shelves that fit the theme are an effective way to combine form and function so the room still has a balanced look. You can find shelving that fits a variety of themes, such as a wall-mounted unit in the shape of a dollhouse, baseball bat style shelves or a unit that actually uses skateboards as shelves. Even if your children's room doesn't have a decorating theme, a set of novelty shelves becomes an instant conversation piece and livens up the space.