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How to Restore a Brass Headboard

Many old classic style beds and modern minimalistic ones as well have brass parts. One of the most common elements made from brass is the bed headboard. Sometimes, a brass headboard is so decorative and attractive that there is no need to cover it with fabric or to turn it into a regular padded headboard. If you have a brass headboard, you may want to know how to restore its original look, shine and appearance in order to have an original and attractive bed.

Things You'll Need

  • Vinegar
  • Sea salt
  • Flour
  • Sponge, cloth and steel wool pad
  • Lemon juice and lemon oil
  • Tartar paste
  • Soda drink
  • Toothbrush
  • Lacquer stripper or acetone based paint
  • Brass cleaner and brash finishing coat
  • Car wax
  • Olive oil
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      Prepare your bed and headboard for the cleaning process by removing all sheets, pillows and fabrics you might stain or damage. Also make sure to wear disposable latex gloves all through the cleaning process.

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      Make a cleaning solution by mixing one cup of white vinegar with 3 tablespoons of flour and 3 tablespoons of sea salt. Mix the solution with a spoon thoroughly, to make a smooth and homogeneous paste.

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      Apply the paste you mixed with a sponge directly on your brass headboard. Rub it thoroughly into the brass and then leave it to dry. Wipe off with a clean cloth soaked in cold water and then wipe it dry with another cloth. The following steps will explain the alternative cleaning solutions and pastes that are to be used if the former doesn't work. Try each of the following recipes until you restore your brass headboard to its original shine.

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      Make a cleaning solution by mixing one cup of lemon juice, 3 tablespoons of tartar cream and 5 drops of lemon oil. Mix the paste thoroughly and then rub it into the brass headboard. Let the paste dry and harden before rinsing it off with warm water and a clean cloth.

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      Wipe the surface of the brass headboard with a sponge soaked in Coca-Cola, Pepsi or a similar type of a soda drink. Then apply a commercial brass cleaner with a small firm toothbrush and clean the brass. Again, use warm water and a clean cloth to rinse and wipe off the surface of your brass bed element.

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      Remove the lacquer finish from the brass headboard if everything else fails. Use a commercial lacquer stripper or an acetone based paint and a steel wool pad to remove the finish. If your brass headboard doesn't have a lacquer finish, simply disregard this step and move to the next one.

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      Apply a coat of protection now that you have restores the look of your brass headboard. Use car wax, olive oil or a commercial brass polish by rubbing it in with mild, circular movements. Apply it with a cloth or spray it on, then wait a few minutes and repeat the application process. This final coat is meant to protect the newfound shine and former glory of your brass headboard.