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How to Repair Splits in a Leather Couch

Leather couches can become damaged from too much wear and tear and develop cracks and splits. Restoring the leather to its previous state involves using several types of products to fix the cracks and maintain its appearance. Splits in the leather of furniture should be attended to as quickly as possible.

Things You'll Need

  • Soft shoe brush
  • Leather repair kit
  • Scratched leather solution
  • Leather furniture protector solution
  • 240-grit sandpaper
  • Soft cloth towels
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      Brush the split areas of the leather with a soft shoe brush using a gentle circular or up/down pattern to remove excess dust, debris or grime that may have accumulated on the furniture.

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      Repair the splits with a leather repair kit. Fill the cracks with the leather filler solution. Make sure that this solution is the same color as your couch. After the solution dries, sand the surface of the split area to a smooth finish using a 240-grit sandpaper.

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      Rub the scratched-leather solution that is usually packaged with the leather repair kit into the damaged areas of the couch with a soft cloth towel. Allow this to dry overnight. Do not touch or sit on the leather couch.

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      Apply leather furniture protector solution to the repaired leather cracks, using a soft cloth towel. This solution keeps the leather moist, which keeps it from cracking.