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How to Repair Old Leather

Repairing old leather and bringing it back to life is not as difficult as it may seem. Anything from pet scratches or sharp objects will tear the leather materials, and friction will cause it to look dull and become discolored. With the right products and a little bit of time, you can make the old, worn and torn leather look like new again. Gather your supplies and get ready to make the repair.

Things You'll Need

  • Sharp scissors (large and/or small)
  • Leather filler
  • Hair dryer
  • Leather glue
  • Sub-patch
  • Leather protector
  • Soft cloths
  • Liquid leather color
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      Cut off any frayed edges around the torn areas. If it is a small rip, be careful not to cut into the leather and use a smaller pair of scissors. You are trying to remove any loose fibers form the damaged area to make the repair cleaner and easier.

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      Fill any large or small tear holes with the leather filler. Dab a few drops of filler into the hole, wait about 10 minutes and then repeat the process. Continue layering the filler until the hole has been filled to the open surface. Remember to wait at least 10 minutes between each layer to allow drying time.

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      Cut a piece of leather sub-patch to cover the damaged area. Make sure to cut it about 1 inch larger in diameter than the hole so there is extra material to glue down.

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      Apply a thin layer of leather glue to one side of the patch, place it over the hole, and press firmly. Hold it in place for 1minute to help it bond with the leather material.

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      Dab a soft cloth with leather protector, swipe it over the patch, and then onto the entire surface of the piece you are working with.

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      Wait about 30 minutes, and then apply a thin coat of liquid leather color to help blend the patch in with the rest of the existing leather material.