Home Garden

How to Clean Fine Furniture

Fine furniture may include cherished antique pieces to expensive furnishings purchased to adorn the home. Cleaning fine furniture, especially antiques, may require the removal of wax buildup that accumulates on older furnishings. Finer furniture also may have designs carved into the wood, which need proper cleaning to remove dust and dirt that can hide inside grooves and depressions within the wood surfaces. With the right products and techniques your fine furniture will continue looking regal.

Things You'll Need

  • Microfiber cloths
  • Dust-removing spray
  • 0000 steel wool pad
  • Rags
  • Oil soap
  • Wood conditioner
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      Spray a microfiber cloth with a dust-removing spray. Wipe the cloth over the entire piece of furniture. Dig the cloth into any grooves or carvings in the wood and under and over hardware on the furniture.

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      Remove areas of waxy buildup on furniture with a 0000 steel wool pad. Using gentle pressure, rub the steel wool over the wax. After two to three rubs, inspect the furniture. Continue rubbing, if needed, to loosen all the wax buildup.

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      Wipe the loosened wax from the furniture with a clean rag.

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      Spray a clean cloth with an oil soap. Wipe the cloth over the entire surface of the piece of furniture. Respray the cloth as needed to clean the furniture completely.

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      Spray a wood conditioner onto the furniture. Wipe the excess conditioner from the furniture with a microfiber cloth.