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What Can I Use to Disinfect a Sofa?

Your sofa is your family's essential hangout spot in your home. It's a place to relax, cuddle with loved ones, watch scary movies, read a book or just bounce around on. Because your sofa serves so many purposes in your household, you should disinfect it regularly, especially if it is used often. There are several methods you can use to properly disinfect your sofa.
  1. Sofa Preparation

    • Before you start any disinfecting process, begin cleaning off your sofa by vacuuming it. Remove all pillows and cushions, and vacuum them thoroughly. This will remove any crumbs or debris trapped in the fabric or hiding behind the cushions. While you have the sofa apart, check for tags to see if there is a recommended disinfectant method or chemicals that should be used to clean the couch. If there are, follow the procedures listed.

    Leather Sofa Disinfectant

    • To disinfect your leather sofa, begin by doing a test spot of your chosen disinfectant in an inconspicuous area. Regular antibacterial wipes or green sprays with paper towels are appropriate disinfectant tools. After a few minutes, determine whether the spray will damage your sofa or not, based on the test spot. If you're able to proceed with disinfecting, wipe down your sofa from top to bottom. Let your sofa air-dry, and then put it back together.

    Fabric Sofa Disinfectant

    • For a fabric sofa, it is best to avoid cleaning with chemicals. Your couch may not dry fully after using fabric cleaner or other cleaning detergents, and this may lead to mold growth, damage to the fabric and the development of rust on metal parts. In contrast, it is beneficial to clean your sofa with a steam cleaner. If you don't own a steam vacuum, you can rent one from a cleaning business or from certain grocery stores. A small steam vacuum with an upholstery attachment works best for a sofa. Steam-clean the entire sofa, including the cushions and pillows, and let them air-dry. The steam will effectively disinfect your sofa, leaving it fresh and clean.

    Disinfecting Slipcovers

    • If your sofa has a slipcover, regularly disinfect it to maintain the quality of your sofa. Disinfect your slipcover by putting it through a wash cycle and then drying it at the settings recommended on the slipcover's tag. To your usual detergent, add 1/2 cup of white distilled vinegar. Vinegar is an effective, green disinfectant and odor remover that won't damage the quality of your slipcover.