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How to Sun-Proof Fabric

Patio furniture, umbrellas, fabric boat tops, trampolines and tents -- anything that is made of fabric and sits under a blanket of sunlight day after day is subject to fading. This fading, brought about by ultra-violet A and B rays beating against the surface of the fabric, can make bright colors look dull, drab and oftentimes worn. The application of a sun-proof spray can block the UVA and UVB rays, maintaining the true color of the fabric. As a double bonus, most sun-proof sprays are also waterproof so mildew and mold are also a non-issue after application.

Things You'll Need

  • Damp cloth
  • Sponge
  • Sun-proof spray
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      Clean the fabric before applying the sun-proof spray. Wipe the fabric with a damp cloth to remove soil stains and allow the fabric to dry thoroughly afterward.

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      Lay the fabric on a clean, flat surface in a well-ventilated area. Spray the sun-proof product onto the fabric. Continue spraying until the fabric feels evenly wet. Overlapping during spraying is acceptable.

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      Check the fabric after spraying for excess drips and droplets of sun-proof spray. Dampen a sponge with a small amount of sun-proof spray and wipe these areas, gently.

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      Allow the fabric to air-dry completely. Sprinkle a few drops of water onto the fabric after drying. If the water beads, the sun-proof coating is working. If not, spray a second even coat and allow it to dry.