Home Garden

How to Turn Off an Alarm System

Home security systems may deter potential intruders from breaking into your home and they may reduce your home insurance premiums. For these reasons, it is a smart move to install a system in your home. However, they take a little getting used to. Chances are, the first night you have your security system installed, a false alarm may trigger and you may be caught not knowing what to do. Practice turning your alarm system on and off until it becomes second nature.


    • 1

      Determine whether the cause of the alarm. If the alarm is false (such as you not getting to the alarm panel in time to shut the alarm off), proceed through the steps. If you are unsure why the alarm is sounding, check to make sure everyone is safe and that the authorities do not need to be called. If you are unsure about safety or have other concerns, find a safe place and contact the authorities.

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      Shut all doors and windows that are linked to your security system. While your security system will vary from model and dealer, typically, alarms continue to sound and cannot be disarmed until all the "zones" (areas where alarm sensors have been installed) are "closed." Closing a zone means returning all doors and windows to their secured, shut position.

    • 3

      Walk to the alarm panel and find the key pad. Punch in your secret code. Alarm codes are typically three to eight numbers. Press the "Enter" button if necessary; some alarm systems, however, only require you to input your code.