Home Garden

How to Get Rid of Electrostatic in the House

Electrostatic charges may cause some nasty shocks when reaching for a doorknob, changing clothes or simply touching someone else in your home. Increasing the humidity in the air is the key to reducing the static electricity. This is often more of a problem during the winter due to the use of heaters that dry the air. The electrostatic charges may result in sparks and crackling noises. The static shock is painful and annoying.

Things You'll Need

  • Humidifier
  • Vaporizer
  • Tea kettle
  • Cooking pot
  • Potted plants
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      Run a humidifier in your home. This appliance adds moisture to the air, thus reducing the electrostatic charges.

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      Use vaporizers in the rooms your family members frequent most often. This is an acceptable solution when you don't heat certain rooms during the winter, such as guest bedrooms, laundry or utility rooms.

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      Add water to a tea kettle and bring it to a boil. Turn the heat down to allow it to simmer.This releases steam into the air, reducing the electrostatic charges. Another option is to boil water in a pot on the kitchen stove. These methods increase the humidity level. Use caution to prevent the vessels from boiling dry; check the water level often.

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      Place potted plants throughout your home. The moisture in the dirt will evaporate, raising the humidity level in your home slightly.