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How to Heat an Underground Shelter

With nuclear proliferation and frequent doomsday predictions, many people are taking another look at building underground shelters that will help them survive whatever disasters the future may hold. In addition to food and water, you'll need a source of heat. A shelter buried at least 4 feet underground will stay at a constant temperature of about 55 degrees--a little chilly for most folks. There are a few simple methods that will help you heat your underground shelter.


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      Use solar power to power generators to heat the shelter and provide electricity. Place the solar panels on your ventilation shaft opening cover and run your wiring down the shaft.

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      Place a few layers of plastic cloth and hard foam insulation on a layer of dirt on top of the shelter, then add several more inches of dirt on top. This will help keep the heat that rises into the dirt from the shelter from dissipating at the surface in cold weather.

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      Run geothermal heat pumps using electricity from solar power. This system pulls the heat out of the airflow that comes into the shelter from the ventilation pipes. This system must be set up by a professional.