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DIY: Tubing Cutter

When installing copper piping, you likely will need shorter pieces from time to time. Although there are many ways to cut pipe, a tubing cutter provides the cleanest cut for most copper pipe applications. A tubing cutter will cut the end of the pipe perfectly straight and also will not deposit fragments of copper into the pipe. This is especially important when installing copper piping for air conditioning systems.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure
  • Copper pipe
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      Mark your copper pipe at the length you wish to cut it.

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      Turn the thumb-screw counterclockwise until the tubing cutter is open far enough to fit over your copper pipe.

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      Slide the tubing cutter over the copper pipe and turn the thumb-screw clockwise until the cutting wheel is tight on the pipe.

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      Rotate the tubing cutter around the copper pipe while holding a firm grip on the pipe with the other hand.

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      Tighten the thumb-screw 1/4 to 1/2 turn after rotating the cutter around the pipe several times. Continue to rotate the cutter around the pipe and tighten the thumb-screw until the pipe is cut.