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Repairing Plaster Walls for Wallpaper Preparation

Plaster is a building material made from gypsum, water, sand and lime. It was used to build walls and ceilings in most homes, until the 1950s when drywall became widely used. While plaster is an extremely durable and long-lasting material, it can develop cracks and holes over time. If you'd like to wallpaper over your old plaster walls, it's important to prepare them properly first. This includes filling any holes that are present, as well as ensuring the wallpaper adhesive can stick to the walls. You don't want peeling wallpaper, after all.

Things You'll Need

  • Wire brush
  • Bucket
  • Water
  • Plaster repair compound
  • Putty knife
  • Fiberglass mesh tape
  • Sandpaper
  • Acrylic primer
  • Paint roller
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      Clean any holes or cracks and prepare them for patching. To do so, first clear away any loose or crumbling pieces of plaster using your hands, then sweep away dirt and debris using a wire brush.

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      Blend a plaster repair mixture with water according to the instructions on the package.

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      Cut a piece of fiberglass mesh tape to fit each hole. Place the tape in the hole and immediately cover it with the plaster repair mix, applied with a putty knife. If the hole is deep, apply the patching compound in 1/4-inch layers, allowing each layer to dry before applying the next.

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      Wait 4 to 6 hours for the patched areas to dry, then gently sand them using a medium grit sandpaper until they are level with the rest of the wall surface.

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      Prime your walls using an acrylic primer. Apply the primer using a regular paint roller for the best results. This gives the wallpaper adhesive a solid base to adhere to.