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How to Fill in Small Cracks on a Cement Wall

If you have a cement wall, you will have cracks. If they have not shown up yet, give it some time and they will appear. Not every crack signals a problem with the wall. Cement shrinks when the water in the cement mixture evaporates and leads to tiny fractures. A small crack in the wall due to shrinkage will not undermine the wall’s structural integrity, except in rare circumstances. Repair the cracks to prevent water from seeping through them and into the house and also for cosmetic reasons.

Things You'll Need

  • Eye protection
  • Dust mask
  • Hammer
  • Chisel
  • Wire brush
  • Vacuum
  • Gloves
  • Hydraulic cement
  • Spatula
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      Tap the perimeter of the crack with a hammer and chisel while wearing goggles or other eye protection and a dust mask. Hold the chisel at an angle to create a groove in the shape of a “V” along the length of the crack.

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      Brush the crack with a wire brush to remove paint and loose concrete. Vacuum away dust and dirt.

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      Mix hydraulic cement according to the manufacturer’s specifications while wearing a dust mask, gloves and eye protection.

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      Pack the cement into the groove, starting from the deepest point at the center and feather out the edges with a spatula.