Home Garden

How to Patch an Interior Brick Wall With Mortar & Plaster

No matter how much care you take with your home, you might still experience holes and other damage. Many interior brick walls feature a plaster covering. Hitting the wall with a door or a heavy object causes cracking on the plaster and may even damage the brick underneath. Repairing the damage requires the use of mortar, which repairs the damaged brick -- and plaster, which fixes the plaster covering over the brick.

Things You'll Need

  • Grout saw
  • Stiff brush
  • Spray bottle
  • Mortar mix
  • Plastic bucket
  • Tuck-pointing trowel
  • Flat trowel
  • Fine-grit sandpaper
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      Peel away the plaster until you have access to the brick. Remove the old grout from in between the bricks with a grout saw. Place the saw against the broken or damaged mortar and use enough pressure that you lift off the old mortar. Remove 3/4-inch of the old mortar from all areas around the brick.

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      Clean the brick by rubbing a stiff brush briskly over the surface. The brush lifts off debris and knocks aside any brick dust. Spray the wall with a plastic bottled filled with water until the water drips down the brick. Let the brick dry overnight.

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      Pour the mortar mix into a plastic bucket and add water, as directed by the manufacturer. Let the mixture sit until you see water pooling at the top and mix again. Spray the wall with more water, which prepares the brick.

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      Dip a tuck-pointing trowel into the mortar and push into the old mortar. Work your way around the brick, adding more mortar until you completely cover the old mortar and seal the brick into the wall. Once the mortar dries, rub the brush across the surface to clean away any crumbs or dust.

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      Mix the plaster, following the guidelines of the manufacturer. Spray a thin and even coat of water on the brick. Apply a thin coat of plaster to the wall and let dry overnight. Apply more coats of plaster until the repaired area matches the surrounding wall. Once the plaster dries, smooth out any lumps or bumps with fine-grit sandpaper.