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Does Oiling Metal Help Prevent Rust?

Rust occurs when oxygen interacts with iron, or its related alloy metals, causing the formation of iron oxide. Iron oxide has a more significant chemical mass that iron, causing the iron to swell up and peel away. In extreme cases, rust can become so severe that iron items begin to crack and separate. Fortunately, oil can be used to successfully inhibit rust formation.
  1. Oil-based Commercial Products

    • There are many products available from hardware stores and supermarkets that use foundation, such as paste, wax or oil, to prevent metal from rusting. Oil-based products, such as WD-40, prevent rust by coating the metal product in a protective layer of oil. This prevents water and moist air from touching the metal surfaces, thereby preventing rust.


    • Bluing is a technique often used to prevent rust building up on smaller items, such as ammunition for guns and rifles. Bluing is so called as the ammunition typically takes on a blue/black sheen once the protective layer of oil is applied. The oil used in bluing works by displacing water particles present on ammunition and other small steel items.

    Slushing Oils

    • Rust corrosion can also be controlled by separating metal from threats in the surrounding environment, such as excessive moisture in the air and inclement weather. Paint is the most popular way to create a protective layer between metal and outdoor elements. Wax-based oils, also known as slushing oils, can also offer protection. These oils are typically injected into steel or metal areas that may be exposed to environmental factors. Slushing oils usually contain chemicals that inhibit the formation of rust.


    • Rust can be caused by the salt in the palms of people’s hands. This is especially true with smaller items such as firearms and work tools. Wiping these items down with a clean cloth after use can help prevent rust corrosion. Dehumidifiers can be installed in garages and workshops to protect larger items, such as machinery or motor cars, from moisture.