Home Garden

How to Shovel Snow Faster

An unexpected winter storm can leave driveways and walkways covered in snow. The magic of a winter wonderland disappears quickly once you are facing the reality of having to shovel snow for hours just to clear the passageways to your home. By selecting the right type of shovel and getting family and friends to help, you can make shoveling snow go a whole lot faster.

Things You'll Need

  • Ergonomic shovel
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      Use a lightweight ergonomic snow shovel, which has a bend in the middle of the shaft. Because of the bend, you'll put less strain on your back, and you won't need to bend down as far for each shovelful. This will help you to quicken the shoveling pace. Also, opt for a shovel that has a lightweight plastic blade instead of a heavier metal blade.

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      Shovel several times during a snowy period. If a large amount of snow is forecast, you can stay ahead of the accumulation by shoveling every 60 to 90 minutes. Shoveling snow before it builds up is much faster than waiting to shovel a larger amount of snow after it stops falling.

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      Make small snow piles rather than large ones. You can waste time by making a large clearing pile in one area. Instead, use the areas near driveways and walkways to make small piles as you shovel. In addition, smaller piles of snow will melt faster than larger ones.

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      Pick up smaller amounts of snow with your shovel blade. Going for too much snow with every motion can cause muscle fatigue and quickly tire you out. You will be able to shovel faster and last longer if you lift shovel smaller amounts of snow.

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      Ask family and friends to help shovel. Whether you have to bribe them with money or hot chocolate and cookies, getting a hand with the shoveling will make the job go faster. Divide your driveway and walkway into sections and assign one section to each person. You will have the snow shoveled in no time.