Home Garden

Getting Icicles off the Side of a House

Icicles that form on the side of the house usually appear on the eaves, which is the section of the roof that overhangs the brick or siding. These icicles usually form when snow melts and refreezes on the eaves. A gap or blockage in the gutters may also cause the formation of icicles. While these icicles may look breathtaking along with a pristine snow, they can be dangerous when they break and fall off. Follow the proper method for removing the icicles so you remain safe and eliminate any potential problems from falling ice.

Things You'll Need

  • Box fan
  • Extension cord
  • Ladder
  • 15- or 20-foot aluminum roof rake
  • Gloves
  • Electrical roof-deicing cables
  • Long 2-by-4 board
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      Look up and observe where you have the greatest concentration of icicles along the side of your house, as this may help pinpoint the ice dam that is causing it.

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      Go up to your attic. Set a box fan on the attic floor. Aim it toward the underside of the roof where the water is leaking, according to experts at "This Old House." Turn the fan on and run some cool air along the roof line, as this will freeze the leaking water. Use an extension cord if you need to connect the fan to a downstairs outlet.

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      Set a ladder against the side of your house. Make sure you secure the ladder firmly on the ground. Ask a family member to hold and watch the ladder as you climb it. Obtain the 15- or 20-foot aluminum roof rake from the person below once you have secured your footing.

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      Extend the roof rake to the highest peak of the house. Pull the snow down in a straight line, allowing it to naturally fall along the roof's slope. Remove snow from one section of the roof, and then start with the next section. Push extra snow away from the gutters when you are finished. Use the roof rake to create a path for water to run away from the gutter, if possible.

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      Break or knock icicles down around the eaves with just your gloved hands. Move the ladder if you need to break off other icicles.

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      Use an electrical roof-deicing cable for severe ice storms, or if you have thick ice beneath the removed snow. Create loops in the deicing cable along the edge of your roof line, according to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. Extend the loops several inches over your gutters for maximum effectiveness. Place a long 2-by-4 board over the back part of the loop to hold it in place on the roof.