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Tin Roofing Installation

The patina of tin roofs brings to mind images of rural farmland or tropical island cabanas, depending on where you grew up. Either way, it speaks of a simple life and brings a rustic charm to any structure. It also has its practical side, and when properly installed and maintained, may be the only roof you need for the next half century. Since it comes in large sheets it also goes on quicker than traditional shingles. Check with your local home owner's association before installing tin, as most will not allow it in urban and suburban areas.

Things You'll Need

  • Roofing felt
  • Utility knife
  • Nylon washer nails
  • Hammer
  • Tin sheets
  • Rubber washer roofing nails
  • Circular saw
  • Rubber butyl sealing tape
  • Peak trim
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    • 1

      Roll out a layer of roofing felt over your plywood roof decking, starting horizontally along the bottom edge of the roof. Cut the felt to length at the gable ends with a utility knife. Nail it in place with nylon washer roofing nails, one every 12 inches, using a hammer. Add overlapping rows of felt above, cutting and nailing as described. Fold the top row over the peak of the roof and nail it to the opposite face. Attach felt to the opposite face in the same way.

    • 2

      Position the first sheet of tin at the bottom left corner of your roof. Align the left edge with the gable and the bottom end with the bottom edge of the roof. Nail it in place with roofing nails, ringed with butyl rubber washers to provide a water tight seal. Drive the nails every 12 inches in the bottoms of the valleys to prevent denting the tin.

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      Overlap the next sheet by one valley, along the right edge of the first. Nail it in place in the same way. Add sheets across the roof to the opposite gable. Cut a sheet to width, if needed, with a circular saw fitted with an abrasive blade.

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      Apply a strip of rubber butyl sealing tape along the top edge of the row. Overlap the next row on top, to shed water, and press it firmly into the sealing tape. Nail it in place in the same way, cutting a piece to fit at the far end if needed. Continue adding rows to the peak. Cut sheets to fit from the last full row to the peak, if required, and nail them in place.

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      Cover the opposite face of the roof using the same technique. Cut peak trim to fit the peak of your roof and nail it in place, with one nail every 8 inches.