Home Garden

How to Deal With Squirrels in Your House's Roof

Squirrels generally den in tree cavities or leaf nests. However, small openings in building structures, such as defects in your house's roof which give squirrels access to the inside of your home, are also very inviting places to den. If you have a problem with squirrels using defects in your roof to gain access to your house and build nests within your walls, the most effective way to deal with these unwanted tenants is to wait for them to leave then cut off their points of access. Squirrels are very active in the daytime. They do frequently leave. You must prevent them from coming back.

Things You'll Need

  • One-way door trap
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    • 1

      Purchase a one-way door trap for squirrels from a wild life supply store. The cost of these door traps generally range from $30 to $50.

    • 2

      Keep a watchful eye. Try to locate the hole that the squirrels are using to enter and exit your house structure.

    • 3

      Perform a visual inspection of your roof. If you are unable to do this, recruit or hire someone who can perform the task on your behalf. Look for other holes, in addition to the one you know the squirrels are using to come in and out of your house, and loose or rotted boards. These other defects are how the squirrels could potentially also gain entry into your home.

    • 4

      Repair all of the defects found in Step 3 except for the main hole you know the squirrels are using to come into and go out of your home. Leave that hole opening unrepaired for now.

    • 5

      Listen for sounds indicating the presence of young squirrels in your home such as squeaking or whining. The Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (MSPCA) strongly urges home owners that "If young (squirrels) are present, please tolerate them until they are old enough to accompany the adults out of the structure." If you lock the adults out with a nest of baby squirrels still inside the structure, the baby squirrels will have no way of leaving. They will die within the walls of your home. Do not proceed until you are certain no young squirrels are present in your house structure.

    • 6

      Install the one-way door over the hole left unrepaired in Step 4. This door is designed to allow squirrels to exit your home but prevent re-entry.

    • 7

      Wait two weeks. After you are certain no more squirrels are residing within the structure of your home, remove the one-way door and seal the hole.