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How to Put Washers on PVC Pipes for the Kitchen Sink

The cabinet beneath your sink holds a medley of PVC drainpipes, which shuttle waste water from the sink to a main drain. The various pipes interlock with one another, using a combination of slip-joints and slip-joint nuts, each requiring a washer. The tightened slip-joint nut compresses the washer against the opposing pipe. Installing these washers correctly ensures a watertight fit between each pipe.


  1. Drainpipe Disassembly

    • 1

      Follow the pipe from the bottom of the sink drain to its intersection with the P-shaped pipe, known as the P-trap, which prevents harmful fumes from rising to the surface of the sink. The P-trap joins the drainpipe to the P-trap arm.

    • 2

      Position a bucket beneath the P-trap. Loosen the slip-joint nut at each end of the P-trap by hand.

    • 3

      Disconnect the trap from the drainpipe and P-trap arm. Empty the water inside the P-trap into the bucket.

    • 4

      Loosen the slip-joint nut that connects the P-trap arm to the drain stub-out, which protrudes from the side of the wall. The P-trap arm joins the P-trap to the stub-out.

    • 5

      Disconnect the loosened P-trap arm from the stub-out.

    • 6

      Loosen the slip-joint nut from the top of the drainpipe and disconnect the loosened pipe from the drain.

    • 7

      Remove the old washers from inside each of the slip-joint nuts.

    Drainpipe Assembly

    • 8

      Fit a washer onto the head of the drainpipe. Position the washer so the flat side faces the slip-joint nut.

    • 9

      Join the drainpipe to the bottom of the drain. Tighten the slip-joint nut by hand.

    • 10

      Slide a washer, the flat side facing the slip-joint nut, onto both ends of the P-trap arm.

    • 11

      Attach the straight end of the P-trap arm to the stub-out. Tighten the slip-joint nut by hand.

    • 12

      Slip a washer onto the lower end of the drainpipe. Slide a second washer onto the jutting end of the P-trap arm. In both instances, position the washer to face the slip-joint nut.

    • 13

      Attach the P-trap at one end to the drainpipe. Attach the other end to the P-trap arm.

    • 14

      Tighten slip-joint nut at each end of the P-trap.