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How to Touch Up Painted Walls

There's no need to put up with a marred wall or postpone a small wall repair just because you're not ready to paint the whole room. Try these techniques. The results may not be perfect, but only you (and maybe that aunt with the magnifying glass) will notice.

Things You'll Need

  • Soft Cloth
  • Dishwashing Liquid Or Household Cleanser
  • Sponge
  • Stain-killing Wall Primer
  • Touch-up Topcoat Paint
  • Paint roller pan, roller and best-quality roller cover(s)
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      For marred surfaces, try cleaning first. Good-quality paint can withstand some scrubbing. First try a sponge and dishwashing liquid, and if that fails, try a little household cleanser. In the worst case, the finish will be a bit duller, but you can burnish it with a soft cloth or touch it up with paint.

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      If you have made a spackling repair or are trying to cover a stain that won't scrub off, apply stain-killing wall primer over stains using a paint roller. Let dry. Apply the normal amount of paint over the repair area. Then feather the edges into the surrounding wall with a nearly dry roller by rolling out from the center with numerous light strokes. Lift the roller off the surface as you roll.

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      Apply a topcoat in the same manner, extending the paint to a loosely defined shape at least 6 square feet (.5 square m) in area. Clean your tools and judge how well the touched-up area blends with the surrounding area when it's dry.