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How to Paint Over Bathroom Ceramic Tile

Giving your bathroom a fresh look doesn't have to involve an expensive and time-consuming renovation. Changing the appearance of tiled surfaces in your bathroom is one way to update its appearance dramatically. You can achieve this without the hassle and expense of replacing all the tile. With some paint and a lot of elbow grease, you can give your bathroom a whole new look by painting over your ceramic tiles.

Things You'll Need

  • Rubber gloves
  • Household ammonia
  • Tile and grout cleaner
  • Pad sander with fine grit sand paper
  • Paint sponge or brush
  • Adhesion-promoting primer
  • Acrylic latex paint
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    • 1

      Use a 1-to-1 solution of household ammonia and water to clean the tile and grout in the area you wish to paint. You should follow this treatment with a tile and grout cleaner to remove any excess grout from the tiled surface.

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      Rinse the tiled surface thoroughly to remove any excess cleaner and allow it to air dry before proceeding.

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      Sand the tiled surface with a fine grit sandpaper and hand pad sander. This step is important in assuring that the primer and the top coat adhere to the surface of the tile.

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      Remove the dust from sanding the tile with a damp, lint-free cloth or small vacuum and brush.

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      Apply the primer using a sponge brush. In most areas, a double coating of this product will be required to ensure that the top coat adheres properly.

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      Allow the primer to dry before applying the top coat. You should follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding drying times for areas where high or low humidity exist.

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      Apply a couple of top coats of a high-quality latex paint in a color which complements your bathroom. Allow each coat to dry completely before applying the next layer.

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      Allow the painted tile to dry and cure for at least 2 weeks. This time is required to allow the paint to become as resistant to scratches and abrasions as possible.