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How to Remove Old Paint From Clapboard Siding

Clapboard siding is installed onto the side of a home to protect it against adverse weather conditions. It is typically made of wood, metal or various plastics and is layered much like shingles. The design of clapboard siding causes rain and snow to run off the side of the structure rather than penetrate it. You can remove old paint from clapboard by using the proper method and appropriate solvents.

Things You'll Need

  • Damp cloth
  • Scraper or putty knife
  • Protective gloves
  • Paint thinner
  • Paint brush or roller
  • Scouring pad or steel wool
  • Water
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      Using the damp cloth, clean off any loose debris or residue from the siding; the paint thinner must be applied evenly to a smooth surface.

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      Remove any chipped areas of the old paint with a scraper or putty knife to reduce the amount of thinner required for removal. Scraping off large sections will save time in the process.

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      Put on the solvent-resistant gloves to protect your skin against alkaline burns. Apply paint thinner to the surface of the clapboard using a brush, paint roller or aerosol spray can.

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      Allow the old paint to soften for the instructed period of time. Begin lifting it gently with the scraper blade and use a scouring pad or steel wool to scrub the remainder.

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      Rinse the loose paint and solvent with water and allow the clapboard siding to air dry overnight before applying a new coat of paint.