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What Can I Use to Lighten the Paint Color on My Wall?

Occasionally, the paint color you select from a strip of sample colors may look too dark when applied to walls. Even a color that is one shade too dark can create the sense that the room has a lack of light. Lightening a paint color is sometimes difficult, and it takes as much or more work than repainting the walls one shade lighter.
  1. Color Wash

    • One way to lighten paint color is to mix paint and glaze to create a color wash effect over the dark paint. The process begins with choosing a new shade of paint that is three shades lighter than the original shade; choose from the same strip of paint color samples that includes the original dark color. After stirring one part glaze with one part paint, either use a sea sponge to dab the glaze mixture onto the walls or wash the walls with the glaze. Another application method is to roll the glaze onto the walls in sections. After each section, use a crumpled up trash bag to blot and manipulate the glaze to create a texturelike appearance.

    Dry Brush

    • The dry brush method requires paint that is three shades lighter than the original paint's shade. After dipping a paintbrush into the paint tray containing the paint, wipe excess paint from the brush onto a paper towel. Then brush the paint on the walls in a crosshatch method, creating an "X" pattern on the walls.


    • Most methods for lightening paint color involve a painting process that takes just as long as repainting. Rolling on a lighter shade of paint is worth consideration. In many situations, repainting requires less time and fewer materials than completing a faux finish method such as a color wash or dry-brush method to lighten the paint. Repainting also does not take as much skill as a faux finish technique.

    Lighter Color Selection

    • Purchasing sample paints is beneficial if you decide to repaint the walls. Apply each sample paint color on a very large piece of poster board, and hang each poster board on a wall to view the colors for a few days and in different lighting. You may even notice the first color doesn't appear that dark after a few days. Ask for several people's opinions about changing the color. An interior designer or color specialist from a paint store can provide further assistance. Both will do in-home consultations for a small fee and guide you in the correct direction regarding a new paint color.