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How to Lighten Stain Color

A stain changes the color of wood, bringing new life to older furniture or allowing wood pieces to complement the decor of a room. However, stains can react differently depending on the type of wood being treated, and sometimes the stain will turn out unexpectedly dark. In this case you can lighten the color of the stain and prevent an overly dark wood piece from becoming unusable.

Things You'll Need

  • Water
  • Mineral spirits
  • Lacquer thinner
  • Bleach
  • Gloves
  • Rag
  • Eye protection
  • Sandpaper
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      Apply water to a rag and rub it over the stained area if the wood stain has not yet had time to dry. This removes some of the stain before it sets and makes it lighter. If the water is not lifting the stain, repeat this step using mineral spirits.

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      Strip the stain by applying lacquer thinner to the darkened areas. This application takes the dark color out of the stain; wipe a rag over the area where the lacquer thinner was applied to remove it. Repeat this step several times until the desired color is achieved. Keep in mind that you will only be able to do this a few times before it is no longer effective.

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      Remove the color of the stain by applying bleach to the area, using a rag. After the color is removed, wipe down the area with water to clean off the bleach. Rub down the surface of the wood with sandpaper to remove the raised grain. The natural color of the wood should now be visible, and the wood can be stained with a different color.