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How to Sand and Repaint the Ceiling

Painting the ceiling is a quick way to spruce it up or give your room a makeover. Whether you’re tired of the current color or the paint is old and chipping, applying paint properly will help ensure a satisfying result. Prior to painting the ceiling, sanding is required to remove loose paint.

Things You'll Need

  • Drop cloths
  • Putty knife
  • Fine-grit sandpaper
  • 1/4 cup trisodium phosphate
  • Bucket
  • Sponge
  • Painter’s tape
  • Ceiling paint
  • Paint stirrer
  • Paint tray
  • 3-inch paint brush
  • Paint roller
  • Paint roller cover
  • Extension pole
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      Lay drop cloths over furniture and carpeting to protect them from paint. Remove any ceiling fans, light fixtures or other items hanging from the ceiling that may interfere with painting.

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      Scrape away any loose paint with a putty knife. Sand over the area with fine-grit sandpaper to smooth the surface. You should also sand in spots where there are imperfections in the surface, such as bubbles or drips in the existing paint.

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      Mix two gallons of hot water and 1/4 cup of trisodium phosphate in a bucket. Moisten a sponge with the cleaner and scrub the ceiling to remove dirt, grease, grime and sanding dust. Rinse the ceiling thoroughly with a clean sponge and fresh water.

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      Apply painter’s tape along the walls where they meet the ceiling. Apply the tape as close to the ceiling as possible. Tape should also be applied around the base of any fixtures that were hanging in the ceiling, such as fans or lights.

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      Mix a can of ceiling paint with a paint stirrer. Pour it into a paint tray.

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      Paint the perimeter of the ceiling with a three-inch paint brush. Back brush over any areas where the paint is puddled or drips have formed.

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      Paint the large surface area of the ceiling with a paint roller attached to an extension pole. Apply the paint to the ceiling by making “W” formations with your paint roller. Work in sections of about 3-by-3 feet. Run the roller lightly over the surface rather than pressing too hard and causing lines in the paint. Continue rolling in a “W” fashion until an entire section is filled in. Overlap each section slightly to provide even coverage. Repeat this process to paint the entire ceiling.

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      Allow the ceiling to dry completely according to the paint manufacturer’s instructions. Apply a second coat of paint to the ceiling, if desired, to achieve the look you want. After the final coat has dried, take off the painter’s tape and replace any fixtures that were removed.