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DIY Bathtub Refurbishing

A bathtub with cracked or chipping glaze makes the entire bathroom appear unsightly and weathered. A professional craftsman can reglaze the bathtub efficiently, but hiring a professional can be costly and may not fit into your budget. Save money by reglazing the bathtub using basic home improvement supplies and tools. This enables you to refinish the bathtub to look clean and beautiful yourself, without causing you to spend a fortune in order to do so.

Things You'll Need

  • Fiberglass epoxy and resin kit
  • Small trowel
  • Electric sander
  • Medium-grit sanding belt
  • Shop vacuum
  • Washcloth
  • Paint tray
  • Porcelain bathtub glaze
  • 3-inch round paintbrush
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    • 1

      Mix together fiberglass epoxy with the resin included in the kit, then fill any cracks or large chips with fiberglass epoxy using a small trowel. Allow the filler to dry and cure for 48 hours.

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      Sand the entire surface of the bathtub using an electric sander with a medium-grit sanding belt. This will remove the old glazing and smooth down any areas of roughness left behind from the epoxy patching.

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      Vacuum the bathtub with a shop vacuum, then wipe it down with a damp washcloth to remove dust and debris.

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      Fill a paint tray with porcelain bathtub glaze, then coat a 3-inch round paintbrush in the porcelain bathtub glaze.

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      Apply the porcelain bathtub glaze over the entire tub in an even layer, then allow the tub to air-dry for 18 to 24 hours.

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      Paint a second layer of porcelain bathtub glaze over the surface of the bathtub, then allow the second coating to dry for another 18 to 24 hours before use.