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How to Fix Paint Peeling off Hollow Core Interior Doors

Paint is one of the least expensive and most effective ways to quickly refresh your home’s décor. Interior doors, which often come in less than beautiful shades of brown, can benefit greatly from some fresh paint. However, several conditions can contribute to problems with your newly applied paint job. Paint peeling from the doors most commonly indicates the surface was not properly prepared or the paint was of poor quality. Eliminate any potential for future problems by removing the peeling paint and beginning your paint job again.

Things You'll Need

  • Drop cloth
  • Screwdriver
  • Paint scraper tool
  • TSP cleaner
  • Cleaning rag
  • Medium-grit sandpaper
  • Tack cloth
  • Latex primer
  • Stir sticks
  • 3-inch tapered paintbrush
  • Paint trays
  • Paint roller
  • Latex paint


    • 1

      Place a drop cloth on the floor in front of the door. Use a screwdriver to remove the door and the doorknob from the door. Remove the painted finish on the door by using a paint scraping tool. Scrape off the paint using long, even strokes in the direction of the wood.

    • 2

      Use sandpaper to remove any stubborn areas of paint and to rough up the surface of the door, preparing it for your next round of painting. Use medium-grit sandpaper, working in long, even strokes with the grain of the wood. Use a tack clock to clean up any debris left behind by scraping and sanding the door.

    • 3

      Apply a TSP cleaner to the surface of the door. TSP cleaners help remove dirt and grime, providing you with a clean, solid surface for repainting. Allow the cleaner to sit in place for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse and wipe clean with a dry, lint-free rag. Allow the door to dry completely.

    • 4

      Open the can of latex primer and stir with a clean stir stick. Dip a 3-inch tapered paintbrush into the primer. Paint around the edges of the door. For best results, paint in long, even strokes with the grain of the wood. Also cut in any raised panels or detail work on the door.

    • 5

      Pour primer into a clean paint tray. Roll a paint roller through the primer and paint the interior of the door. Paint in long, even strokes starting at the top of the door and working toward the bottom of the door. Allow the paint to dry completely and touch up any areas not coated by primer.

    • 6

      Open the paint can and stir the paint with a clean stir stick. Use a clean, 3-inch tapered paintbrush to cut in the edges of the door. Paint the edges in long, even strokes working with the grain of the wood. Do not forget to cut in the detail areas of the door.

    • 7

      Pour paint into a clean paint tray. Roll the paint roller through the paint. Paint the door using long, even strokes starting at the top of the door. Allow the paint to dry completely.

    • 8

      Repeat Steps 6 and 7 to apply another two to three coats of paint to the door.